Associazione Don Bosco 2000

Indirizzo: Largo San Giovanni 6
Città: Piazza Armerina - CAP: 94015 - Provincia: EN
Telefono: 0935687019
Email organizzazione:
Partiva IVA:
Codice Fiscale:
Data fondazione: 1998


The Associazione Don Bosco 2000 is an Italian no-profit organization which was constituted in 1998 and promotes the integral formation of human beings with particular attention to young people and people in vulnerable situations such as migrants. It has a long experience in the field of national/international projects in partnership with other European associations in the implementation of projects that are economically sustainable and have an impact on future generations. The association has a wide range of activities, especially for migrants, which are currently funded by the Ministy of Internal Affairs. The association is involved in campaigns to support activitities of awareness-raising in several fields, also in African countries (i.e. Senegal).

Forma giuridica: Associazione
Iscritto elenco AICS? (SI/NO): NO
Controllo interno? (SI/NO): SI

Reti di rappresentanza e Federazioni:


Rappresentante legale
Nome: Agostino
Cognome: Sella
In carica dal: 1998
Segretario Generale/Direttore/Coordinatore
Nome: Cinzia
Cognome: Vella
In carica dal: 1998

Composizione Organo Direttivo:
Agostino Sella, Alvaro Placa e Nathan Bognano

Numero associati (Individui): 5

Numero associati (Organizzazioni):

Controllo interno? (SI/NO): SI
Ecosoc (SI/NO): NO
Compliance (d.lgs. n. 231/2001):



Partnership con altre Organizzazioni italiane :

Partenariati con Aziende :

Partenariati con Enti Pubblici :

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